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    Title Name
  1981. Textbook Hsuaspis bilobata from Austral .... Hsuaspis (Estaingia) bilobata      
  1982. Rare Lonchodomas suriensis from Argenti .... Lonchodomas suriensis      
  1983. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Calymene camerata     Calymene camerata      
  1984. Fine Asaphiscus on Natural Matrix Plate     Asaphiscus wheeleri      
  1985. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Very Detailed Onni .... Onnia superba      
  1986. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Double Dalmanites     Dalmanites limulurus      
  1987. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Mississippian Comp .... Comptonaspis swallowi      
  1988. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Sculpted Cyphaspis     Cyphaspis boutscharafinense      
  1989. Beautifully Prepared Kainops from Oklah .... Kainops raymondi      
  1990. Beautifully Preserved Enrolled Flexical .... Flexicalymene retrorsa      

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